What if the lyric ended like that? No “there” was there (to paraphrase Gertrude Stein’s take on Oakland). Even the first time we heard that song we knew “there” was coming and so we were free to revel in the tension of “standing”. We would be led home in due time. That’s the beauty of a … Read More
To Tune a Guitar
The way to tune a guitar: hold it loose and easily Every flat or sharp tells you where it needs to be Strings should sing like stars, serenade us like the moon and that’s the way a guitar is tuned To listen to a song: come inside, be right here So soon we will … Read More
I was in the high school marching band back in Iowa and every Memorial Day we would march a few miles to a cemetery that lay among cornfields, lonesome willows and elms. The town and the farmers would come out and listen to us play Sousa marches that always seemed too rousing for the occasion. … Read More
Leave the Gun. Take the Cannoli.
A rat! I had heard my whole life to insulate myself from them, that they are everywhere and so to remain on guard. A RAT!! In my own home! My home! Under the same roof as my wife and family. Where I ate and slept (though uneasily). There had been hints of course. Evidence willfully … Read More
What Would the World Be Like?
For Mother’s Day! When my daughter was four, she asked me a question. This song was my (eventual) answer. This slideshow is a selection of photos I have found and set to a song from my CD “Radio Boy“. John Dillard put this slide show together. Many thanks. And thanks to the following photographers for … Read More
In the Beginning
In a few weeks, I will make my yearly pilgrimage to Charlottesville, Virginia to spend some time with a wonderful group of songwriters. We try out new material, write new songs, co-write, play, and live and breathe music for a week. Last year, there was a discussion about favorite first lines of songs. I recently … Read More
The Poet and the Pig Farmer
As a boy, every meal with my family began with Bless us Oh Lord for these thy Gifts We prayed together, heads bowed, and after through Christ Our Lord. Amen we blessed ourselves, opened our eyes and looked to our father who remained in silent darkness for…seconds? minutes? I have no idea I felt nor … Read More
Roast Beef, Well done (State Song of Iowa)
Every Sunday throughout my childhood, my mother made roast beef. It was always well done. Well done. My mother was, by any standards, a great cook. Her pies were the envy of our neighbors. Her bread and biscuits were light, airy and addictive. Her mashed potatoes and gravy hit the high peaks of sacred succulence. … Read More