Dennis Caraher is a singer/songwriter poet who lives in Ashland, Oregon.
He grew up in a large family on a farm in Iowa and then lived in Massachusetts for many years where, in addition to writing and performing, he practiced law and worked as a computer programmer.
His children’s music has has earned him a Silver and Gold Medal by Parents’ Choice. Library Journal said that his albums are “must have” for children’s libraries.
His writing for adults has been featured on NPR and on “Writer’s Almanac”.
Recordings for children include:
Bow Wow Baby
Dog Bone Town (Gold Medal)
I Miss the Mud (Silver Medal)
His adult recordings are
Radio Boy
Practicing Dying
Kingdom of Summer (“One of top 25 records of 2016”, WXPN, Philadelphia)
He has also written an epic poem “Road to Damascus”, a modern day version of “The Canterbury Tales. A staged reading was held in Amherst, Ma in 2016. He hopes to create a fully realized version in the near future.
Parents' Choice Review for "I Miss the Mud"
“Singer/songwriter Dennis Caraher (“Dog Bone Town,” “Bow Wow Baby”) delivers smiles with quirky humor and sunny charisma, wrapped in an agile musicality that embraces folk, country, old-time rock ‘n roll and a cappella vocals. Inventive percussion and a kids’ chorus complement a cautionary tale about a pig who hits the big time but yearns for his muddy origins. The a capella charmer, “Little Blue Bug,” begins with a little bug stuck in a rug (“I gave him help, I got a little bug hug”) and turns into a participatory, repeat-after-me romp. Caraher’s inventive, individual voice works equally well in quieter songs that include the yearning “Without You” and an exquisite variation of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” (“It was always there to see when I’d feel my father carry me.”) Among other singers taking the spotlight are a young girl, Emma Henderson, who performs a heartfelt tribute to mothers (“I Love My Mom”), and adult artist Jill Connolly, whose lullaby-soft “I’ll Watch Over You” is accompanied by guitarist Joe Belmont, one of many sterling musicians here.”
Parents' Choice Review for "Dog Bone Town":
“Singer/songwriter Dennis Caraher gives his funny and thoughtful songs an ear-pleasing, confiding tone, matched by the carefully crafted simplicity of his folk, country and rock rhythms. He shifts effortlessly from the wackiness of a tall zoo tale (“The Elephant Played Electric Guitar”) and “Life Is So Confusing”(“Went into the attic to wash my clothes, put ‘em in the oven, but they froze”) to the lovely, heartstring-tugging title track about a little dog who was a boy’s closest companion until the day she “went to play in Dog Bone Town”-dog heaven. Caraher’s a capella tale about a little boy who won’t stop crying, despite the efforts of all the grownups around draws listeners in-a teddy bear holds the key to a smile, and “Time To Go To Bed,” a parent-and-child tug-of-war that will undoubtedly resonate, is as charming as all get out, with Caraher’s daughter singing the child’s beguiling point of view. Kids take over with feeling in “Let It Go,” too, singing to their peers about what to do with anger and other emotional upheavals; they also add bounce with Caraher in “So Long, See Ya Later,” the album’s toe-tapping farewell.”
Dennis Caraher Live Show for Families and Children
While Dennis Caraher’s recorded music has garnered Gold and Silver Medals, his music is best appreciated in his live performances. His shows run to about 45 minutes and are filled with sing-a-long and interactive activities.
Kids will love walking like dinosaurs when Dennis sings “Walk Like a Dinosaur” and will be excited to dance to the different motions in “The Elephant Played Electric Guitar”. Children (and parents) will find it a great challenge to sing their ABC’s in a whole new way (backwards) during Dennis’s version of “ABC” . There are easy-to-follow interactive movements to a story about a pig who leaves the farm for the big city (“I Miss the Mud”) as well as a song where kids get to make up their own movements (and have everyone repeat them) in “Little Blue Bug”).
There are also songs where kids have to think. In “Life is so Confusing” the audience is challenged to find out what exactly doesn’t make sense in a story about a child’s day
“I was taking a bath in the bed last night
Something about it didn’t seem right
So I took off my shoes and I got dressed
Lay down in the bathtub and took a rest”
In addition to performing his own songs, Dennis will sing a few standards so that everyone can sing along, e.g., “You Are My Sunshine” and “This Land is Your Land”.
Dennis’s performances appeal to both kid and adult and are full of feeling and fun.
Dennis has recently moved to Ashland, Oregon and is booking shows for 2018. The cost for his shows is negotiable but the general range would be $100-$250. If that doesn’t fit your budget, please get in touch and something can be worked out.