In Beatle boots, we walked tall
New recruits to John and Paul
Ringo George Twist and Shout
No one more Fab Four devout
Ably armed with crazy cool
An Iowa farm in Liverpool
An angry mother gave us a thrill
“You and your brother…” we knew the drill
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Heals high high school halls
Could not deny we had balls
This boy and I packed 45’s
This joy is why I’m still alive
Soon those shoes were stashed away
(of no real use for baling hay)
Now gone gray these careless brothers
And soon one day one bears the other
One boy remains walking tall
Across the Plains, John and Paul
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah

Throughout November I am writing a poem every day as part of an effort to raise funds for The Center For New Americans. If you like the poems (or even if you don’t) and would like to support this fantastic organization, please follow this link. Thanks.